Shakespeare in Love

Christuskirche Freiburg

Thomas Morley Fyre, fyre
John Bennet Weep, o mine eyes
John Dowland Come Again
Thomas Morley It was a lover and his lass

Ralph Vaughan Williams
„Three Shakespeare Songs“:
Full fathom five
The cloud-capp’d towers
Over hill, over dale                         

Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy
aus: „Ein Sommernachtstraum“ für Frauenchor und Klavier:
Bunte Schlangen, zweigezüngt

Jaakko Mäntyjärvi
„Four Shakespeare Songs“:
Come away, Death
Double, double, toil and trouble
Full fathom five

Matthew Harris
„Drei Shakespeare Songs“:
It was a lover and a lass
O mistress mine
When daffodils begin to peer

John Rutter
„Shakespeare Songs“ für Chor und Klavier:
It was a lover and his lass
Draw on sweet night
Blow, blow, thou winter wind
When daisies pied


Anna Immerz, Klavier
Camerata Vocale Freiburg
Leitung: Winfried Toll